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i4F CeraGrout: mimics perfectly the beauty of ceramic-looking floors and walls, without the inconvenience”

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SPC-500 - True Grout - muzeo - IMG - DR - room scene - botticelli - 12 x 12

What's not to love?

Even if they can’t see it, customers will love the difference between i4F CeraGrout enhanced tiles and traditional ceramics. Side by side, they look the same, but once installation begins, the difference becomes clear. Tiles enhanced with i4F CeraGrout are much easier to install and clean while being more durable, remaining pristine for years. Delivering the beauty of ceramic-looking floors and walls without the inconvenience. What’s not to love?"

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Why choose i4F CeraGrout for your flooring and wall projects?

i4F CeraGrout mimics perfectly the aesthetics of modern ‘rectified’ ceramics with an integrated grout. Extremely durable and delivering superior resistance to wear and tear, stains, and chemical household agents, tiles/panels featuring i4F CeraGrout are very easy to install as well as replace, especially when compared to traditional ceramics. Beautiful for both floors and walls, this offers a huge opportunity to extend floor collections to wall applications.


Where to buy

i4F CeraGrout Key Features

True grout - Suprema swatches

Patented Technology

Exclusive, patented technology that mimics the elegance of traditional ceramic tiles with none of the traditional drawbacks.

Easy installation

Quick, hassle-free installation of floor and wall panels thanks to the preattached grout. No need for special tools, no mess.


Engineered for long-lasting performance, CeraGrout stands up to heavy foot traffic, moisture, and wear, making it the ideal choice

Wide range of colors

Grout and middle lines available in any color

Innovative middle grout line

i4F CeraGrout technology enables the milling of an additional grout line in the middle of a tile or panel, mimicking two pieces on a single panel. This greatly facilitates the creation of staggered patterns and cuts installation time in half.

Watch to see how i4F CeraGrout transforms your flooring spaces

Frequently asked questions

Where can I buy i4F CeraGrout?

You can purchase i4F CeraGrout from a variety of trusted retailers across the U.S. Consult them here.

Who can request a free sample kit of i4F CeraGrout?

Free samples of i4F CeraGrout are available to flooring professionals, including retailers, distributors, and manufacturers. If you're part of the flooring industry, fill out the form on our Free Sample Request page, and we'll send a sample directly to your business.

Is i4F CeraGrout easy to install?

Yes, i4F CeraGrout is designed for easy installation with a high-performance locking system that saves time and effort. Whether you’re working on floors or walls, our innovative grouting solution ensures a smooth, hassle-free process, making it an ideal choice for both professionals and DIY enthusiasts.

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